LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – Ordinances and resolutions take center stage at this afternoon’s City of La Follette regular monthly meeting.

On the agenda are resolutions to participate in the Property Conservation Match Grant Program and to extend the ATV Route on State Route 9, also known as Highway 25W or Jellico Highway, to send to Sen. Ken Yager.  Amending ordinances one, specific permitted street use for ATVs updating permittable streets and two, Title 5 Chapter 5 of the City Code pertaining to the maximum amount for purchases without public advertisement and competitive bidding are on the agenda.

Approval of a bid for the Downtown Revitalization project comes up in today’s meeting.  That’s in the administration portion of the agenda.

The police department plans to promote Aaron Adkins to fulltime Level II Patrol Officer effective Nov. 9.

Meeting time today is 5:30 pm at city hall. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 11/05/2019-6AM)