Thursday night kicked off the first night of the Campbell County Sheriff’s Citizens’ Academy.

The nine-week class will give participants a look into how local law enforcement functions.

TOP PHOTO:  Participants were given an overview of the coming weeks.

“We were very happy with the turnout,” said Sheriff Robbie Goins. “The participants came ready to learn and asked good questions.”

Chief Deputy Jeremy Goins addressed the people who had enrolled in the classes.

The first class was dedicated to providing an overview of the classes to come as well as showing those enrolled what the booking procedure for the jail looks like. For many this was their first exposure to a corrections settings. “We shared with them the booking procedures from beginning to end. They felt it was informative,” Goins said.

Other topics will include a trip to the firing range, a controlled traffic stop and working a mock murder scene.  (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/08/2019-6AM)