JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – The county budget and finance committee approved budget amendments on Monday night during a brief Zoom meeting. Amendments approved included an amendment to the general purpose school fund due to insurance participation, as well as an amendment to the central cafeteria fund. This was to account for the $70,000 monetary value of the commodities that are provided to the food service each year. This will remain in balance.

Another amendment to the central cafeteria fund was due to the need to “realign the revenue accounts because of the emergency feeding operations that were put in place in mid March due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Overall $159,000 will be appropriated from the equity to offset the revenue loss.

Amendment number four was to the county’s general fund because of inmate medical costs to the jail being more than anticipated. This was partially due to the close out costs of changing providers. This will be offset some with revenues being better than originally anticipated from the housing of out of state prisoners.

Budget amendment five was to the sanitation solid waste fund. This is to further revise the revenue estimates in this fund so it will come into alignment with the most recent projections; increase in the sale of recycling materials and a decrease in the solid waste disposal fee. Overall this amendment shows a $17,000 decrease.

The sixth budget amendment was to the ambulance service fund due to the COVID-19 Pandemic resulting in less patient transports during March and April. This was offset by the provision of the governor’s CARE Act relief fund to be used for health care related expenses and/or lost revenue due to the pandemic. In March, the ambulance service received $55, 596.34 of relief funds.  There was a decrease in revenue at $279,000.  This was offset by the reductions of the same amount and realignments of accounts.

A highway public works fund amendment was approved to appropriate funds that will be received from the natural resources conservation program. These funds are anticipated to be received by June 30 and will be used to purchase two trucks from the state bid list in order to replace two that are in poor condition. No action will be taken to purchase the vehicles until the funds are received by the county.  (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 06/09/2020-6AM)