TOP PHOTO:  This letter box was hit by a vehicle on Monday afternoon and was replaced with a new box on Tuesday.  The new box is expected to be inspected and cleared to reopen for service by Wednesday afternoon.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – The new US Postal Service’s iconic blue letter collection box on West Central Avenue in front of La Follette Courts is almost ready to go back into service.  The old box that had been there for years was hit by a vehicle on Monday afternoon and had to be removed.  A new letter collection box was installed on Tuesday morning.

The new letter collection box, across the street from First Baptist Church of La Follette, is expected to be back in service by Wednesday afternoon.

According to a post office official, after an inspection of the new drop box on Wednesday, the box should be back in service by Wednesday afternoon. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 09/02/2020-6AM)