Fifth grade LEAD graduates at Wynn Elementary School.

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – One of the first steps Campbell County Sheriff Robbie Goins took when first elected in 2010 was to reinstitute a drug deterrent program in Campbell County Elementary Schools. “The biggest investment we can make for Campbell County is in our youth,” said Goins.

Some of the Jacksboro Elementary 5th grad LEAD graduates.

The LEAD (Law Enforcement Against Drugs) program is similar to the DARE program that many people know about. The LEAD program stresses education concerning the abuse of drugs, drug-related crime and peer-to-peer bullying.

LEAD graduates were celebrated all across Campbell County.

At every elementary school in Campbell County, the School Resource Officer (SRO) teaches this 10 or more week class to all 5th grade students.

Fifth graders celebrate their LEAD graduation.

Over the past two weeks, Goins and his staff attended the graduation ceremonies at each school.

LEAD graduates are honored at Elk Valley Elementary School.
Valley View Elementary School 5th graders are honored during their LEAD graduation.

“Through educating our children at a young age, we can make a lasting impression that will hopefully deter them from making negative decisions in their future. I am proud of all of the children that graduated our program this year, and I look forward to seeing their successes as they continue to grow,” said Goins. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 05/27/2021-6AM)