TOP PHOTO: A look at the old post office on South Tennessee Avenue from March 2020.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – The Postmark LaFollette and LaFollette City Council saga continued at Monday afternoon’s monthly workshop. In January, Postmark officials and the city council met to discuss the possibility of a lease on the former LaFollette Post Office building on South Tennessee Avenue that would give them legal standing so Postmark could apply for a Rural Arts Facilities Grant through the Tennessee Arts Commission. The grant could have provided up to $100,000 for repairs and upgrades to the building.

Postmark has been operating arts and culture programs out of the old building for the past 87 months with the city’s permission during which time the city has paid the utilities. However, the city and Postmark have worked cooperatively in building maintenance and repairs. Postmark has raised $118,000 for the city to use for building needs. A decision was not made.

Yesterday, Karen Cumorich, a representative from Postmark, approached the council about the possibility of a 24 month lease on the building for zero dollars. After a brief discussion, Councilman Mark Hoskins requested Postmark bring a proposal to the council of its best offer on the building. Hoskins requested the proposal be brought to the council in April and the council will decide at that time. The council also discussed the possibility of declaring the building as surplus and selling it through a realtor or at auction.

Matt Paul, chairman of the 911 board, spoke with the council about its need for more space for the communications center. Paul shared with the council they would like to eventually move out of the center of the city toward the east or west side. They would like to just have more space. The council discussed the possibility of tearing out the old city jail, this would triple the space for the center. By doing this, it would allow for more space and functionality. The cost of the project would be between $100,000 -$125,000 and funds could come from a Community Block Development Grant.

The city will vote Tuesday afternoon at its regular monthly meeting on soliciting bids for three separate items. The first item is a bucket truck for the public works department. The second item is repaving the municipal building parking lot and entrance to fire station #3. The final item is rescue equipment for the new truck in the fire department.

Ordinance 2022-02 will have its final reading this afternoon at 5:30pm. The ordinance levies a four percent privilege tax on any hotel/motel or any place in which rooms, lodging or accommodations are furnished. Ordinance 2022-03 adopting and enacting supplemental and replacement pages for the Municipal Code of the City of LaFollette will have a first reading. Resolution 2022-08 is for amending the 2021-22 budget to add a $94,320 grant the fire department received from the LaFollette Medical Board Foundation. Also on today’s agenda are first readings on Ordinance 2022-04 amending section 5-A of the employee personnel policy and Ordinance 2022-05 to amend Section 11 of the Zoning Ordinance.

The council will be voting on promoting two full time dispatchers, Jennifer Spradlin and Jessica Hutson at a salary of $24,690 effective March 12. Councilman Wayne Kitts raised a question about why the city was not closed on President’s Day since other municipalities were closed that day. After a brief discussion it was decided that council would vote at this afternoon’s meeting on the list of city holidays since it appears this day was left off the list along with Columbus Day.

Bill McDonald requested the Campbell County Lion Club be able to use the parking lot behind city hall for its annual carnival. The carnival is scheduled for May 16-21, and McDonald reported the carnival would have more rides and food.

Ted Holtz with Pugh and Company presented the year end audit (June 30, 2021) to council. Holtz reported that the city is in good shape financially due to having a half year of expenditures in reserves. He reported there were no audit findings.

Here is the agenda for this afternoon’s regular monthly meeting of the City of LaFollette Mayor and Council.


Council Meeting

Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 5:30 p.m.


*Public Hearing for Public to comment on Ordinance.

  1. Ordinance 2022-02- A Privilege Tax upon the Occupancy in any Hotel or Motel or any other places in which rooms, lodging or accommodations are furnished to transients for consideration.

* Comments from the Public.

* Comments from the Council.

Public Hearing Adjourned

  1. Meeting called to order by Mayor
  2. Prayer & Pledge
  3. Roll call by Clerk
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes from February 2022 including Public Hearing.  
  5. Reports from Boards, Committees and Departments
  6. Comments from the Citizens
  7. Announcements


  1. 1.         Ordinance 2022-02- A Privilege Tax upon the Occupancy in any Hotel or Motel or any other places in which rooms, lodging or accommodations are furnished to transients for consideration. (Final Reading)


  1.  Approval of year end 6/30/21 audit.
  2. Approval to solicit bids for repaving municipal building parking lot and entrance street to Fire Station #3.
  3. Approval of Campbell County Lions Club carnival week of May16th- 21st.
  4. Approval to solicit bids for a bucket truck.


  1. Approval to solicit bids for rescue equipment.




*No permits to date    


(WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 03/01/2022-6AM)