TOP PHOTO: Sheila Marlow is celebrated today on her 22nd anniversary of taking care of us at Big O’s.

Sheila Marlow with regular customer Chris Thomas takes a moment for this April 2021 photo.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – For some of us, we think Sheila Marlow’s been at Big O’s Git-n-Go since it opened in the 1980s. That’s not quite the case. Though it’s close.

Today marks Sheila’s 22nd year at Big O’s. Like always, she’s right there today ready to help you get your day started with a “hello” smile and a “thank you” for your purchase.

We caught Sheila a little off guard with this quick snapshot from a couple of weeks ago.

Congratulations, Sheila! (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/15/2022-6AM)