By Charlotte Underwood 

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – Rotarians learned about the Christian Learning Center from CLC Program Coordinator Stephanie Lloyd, at Tuesday’s South Campbell County Rotary Club luncheon.

May marked five years in operation for the CLC. Over 240 students have participated in the program during this time, according to Lloyd.

“This spring we had 76 students. We’re growing; when we first started only 18 to 20 students signed up,” Lloyd said.

The Christian Learning Center is a non-profit organization providing release time Bible Education courses for Campbell County High School students that choose to take them and have their parent’s permission.

Christian Learning Center Program Coordinator Stephanie Lloyd spoke at Tuesday’s South Campbell County Rotary Club luncheon.

Each semester two to three class periods are offered. In the fall, Old Testament classes are offered and in the spring, New Testament classes are covered. 

Lloyd gave program updates, including the news that as of July 1, CLC students in Tennessee School districts will earn a full credit for course participation rather than the previous half credit that was allotted. 

The group is thankful for the work Rep. Dennis Powers and State Sen. Ken Yager put into carrying that bill, Lloyd said.

She discussed some of the curriculum students take during the course.

“We believe it’s important to look at the Bible through a historical, cultural, moral and spiritual lens; we look at the big picture of the Bible,” Lloyd said.

Students start by learning about the structure of the Bible and how to navigate it. Students also look at maps and a Bible atlas and learn where in the world these Bible stories occurred.

Lloyd was introduced by Rotarian Lynn Ray.

“We want to be academically rigorous; all students who show up leave with an understanding of how hugely significant the Book is to our culture,” Lloyd said.

She said the CLC “tried to do a lot of interactive teaching styles” to teach the contents of the Bible.

Lloyd said she was “excited about the future of the CLC” and “appreciative of community support.” (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED 6/7/2023 6AM)