TOP PHOTO: One of the busiest spots was the concession stand with a long and deep line.

Two car guys share memories.

By Charlie Hutson

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – It was a beautiful day Saturday for the LA Cruizer’ 22nd annual car show. “It was our biggest yet. Everything went as smooth as you could ask for,” said Tom Hatmaker, President of the LA Cruizers. See the full photo gallery HERE.

Jim Gamble was the highest bidder for the 2003 GMC truck that was donated by Short-Redmond Ford.

The big show was held as always on the grounds of Campbell High, and Cougar Lane has steady traffic all day. “It was so busy that my wife Laura had to go to the store and get more chips for the nachos. They were a big hit this year,” said Hatmaker.

Brenda Johnson was a busy gal. She took a picture of every ride that registered.

Car enthusiasts and gear heads alike enjoyed the show, the food and the music along with the antics of David Graham, the veteran master of ceremonies for the annual event. “We had a live auction on a truck that was fantastic, and thanks to the folks at Short-Redmond Ford for donating the pick-up. Congratulations to Jim Gamble on being the winning bidder. I would especially like to thank my buddy Billy Ball for doing the auction for us,” said Hatmaker.

Veteran LA Cruizers Master of Ceremonies David Graham (left) has another prize winner.

Hatmaker described the show as being great and so were those in attendance. “Where else can you show off your cars and trucks and have a great time and raise money?” asked Hatmaker.

Jane Holmes registered the rides. At this moment of the show, the car count was at 187 with the total ending up at more than 200.

The show was the largest ever with more than 200 vehicles registered. “This will help us meet our goals this year,” said Hatmaker. All proceeds are donated to support local charities.

The grill masters, Ronnie Carroll (left) and Tony Heath.

(WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 08/21/2023-6AM)