TOP PHOTO: There will not be another super blue moon like this until 2037.

By Charlie Hutson

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – With August all but over, last night was a rare event for sky watchers. Wednesday night’s moon was a special one. It was the second full moon in August, a super blue moon.

Called a blue moon, however, the term blue moon has nothing to do with color. Instead, it’s referring to two full moons occurring the same calendar month.

Wednesday night’s super blue moon wanted to play peek-a-boo behind the clouds.

Super moon refers to a full moon that occurs when the moon is closer to the earth in its orbit resulting in a slightly larger and brighter appearance. Last night’s super blue moon was the last one until 2037. Mark your long range planner. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 08/31/2023-6AM)