By Charlotte Underwood 

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – Teachers make a difference in their students’ lives each and every day. For many students, having a teacher who cares and goes that extra mile can be the difference in a successful education and graduation. We’ve all had that teacher who inspired us or helped in some way. That’s why WLAF and Eagle Tire Pros salute all of our hard working educators with a weekly feature.

This week’s featured teacher is Kristy Bloy. She teaches third grade at LaFollette Elementary School.

Bloy grew up in Caryville and still lives there. She graduated from Campbell County High School in 2015. Afterwards she attended the University of the Cumberlands where she played softball and competitively cheered. During her time at UC, she was part of a two-time Mid-South Conference Championship Team in competitive cheer and placed sixth at Nationals in 2019. She was also named Mid-South Conference JV tournament MVP while playing softball at the University of the Cumberlands.

HERE is a related story on Bloy’s collegiate cheer career.

Kristy Bloy is Eagle Tire Pros Teacher of the Week; she teaches third grade at LaFollette Elementary School and is pictured with her husband Ramsey Bloy.

“Currently, I spend my time outside of school helping coach other children who are trying to achieve similar dreams that I once had,” Bloy said.

She is also busy working on her master’s classes and “loves hiking with her husband and friends and working out.”

Bloy has been an educator for four years, but this is her first time teaching third grade.

“I have loved every minute of it. My students are so bright and willing to learn every day they walk through the doors. My students are what make my job so enjoyable and rewarding,” Bloy said.

According to Bloy, one teacher “that really stands out” and helped influence career in education is Ms. Maragaret Smith.

“She was one of my teachers who taught me multiple subjects. She showed me how caring teachers are for their students and that it’s okay to be silly around your students in the classroom. She knew how to greet you every day and light up a room. She made learning fun and helped persuade my choice in becoming an educator,” Bloy said. 

God was also a huge influence in her career choice.

When Bloy was a junior in high school, she was involved in a “terrible t-boning accident in front of the high school, which came with some real trials and setbacks.”

“Through the grace of God and prayers sent my way throughout my recovery time, I was healed when we had thought my options had come to surgery which would result in me not being able to play sports again, walk with a limp the rest of my life, and possibly never having children of my own,” Bloy said.

 At this time of her life she said she was “caught between career choices.”

“Once the doctor informed me that it might be hard to near impossible for me to have my own children, I knew that was God’s way of showing me I should pursue a career in teaching. I love children and I knew I wanted to be able to make a great impact on their lives,” Bloy said.

Her favorite part of being a teacher is “being around children every day.”

To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to

“They say that we’re there to make an impact on our students lives and learning, but truthfully, they are the ones that are impacting our lives and teaching us something new every day,” Bloy said.

She has been teaching at LaFollette Elementary School since she began teaching four years ago. She said she loves the school and the environment that LES staff has created, not only for the students and parents, but for each other. 

“I cannot emphasize enough that everyone in our school is amazing and will always go the extra mile to make sure our students wants and needs are always met. I love coming to school because of our students but also because of all the amazing people that I work with and for. 

First, I want to emphasize how thankful I am to learn and grow from our principals, Bob Walden and Ashley Spade. They are always available for our students and staff. Secondly, I am so grateful to have such great mentorship and encouragement from fellow educators like Jessica Housley and Aleisha Madron. Lastly, I can’t thank those enough who I have worked beside every day for the past four years for sharing ideas, trusting each other with our highs and lows, and continuing to encourage each other every day for our students to achieve their dreams,” Bloy said.

Every Thursday, WLAF’s Charlotte Underwood features the WLAF – Eagle Tire Pros teacher of the week. That educator also receives a free oil change from Eagle Tire Pros. To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 02/01/2024-6AM)