If you live inside the City of La Follette and need a smoke detector and need it installed, call the LFD

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – That time change that robs us of an hour of sleep comes around this weekend, Sunday at 2am (ET).

La Follette Fire Department Captain Johnny Seal and Chief Jimmy Pack showcase the life saving supplies they have for you right now at Fire Station 1. That’s at the corner of Beech and Tennessee.

Tennessee returns to daylight saving time on Sun., Mar. 10, at 2am. This is the weekend to turn your clocks ahead (forward) one hour shorting us on an hour of sleep on this Sunday morning.

Sherman Campbell with Smith ACE Hardware is providing new batteries for distribution

“This is also the weekend, we want folks to change the batteries in their smoke alarms,” said La Follette Fire Chief Jimmy Pack. The chief goes on to say that Sherman Campbell with Smith ACE Hardware is providing new batteries for distribution. “If you need batteries for your smoke alarm, simply stop by the Downtown La Follette Fire Hall and pick them up,” said Pack.

Captain Seal points to the 10-year life expectancy of the free smoke detectors LFD is giving away and installing for anyone who lives inside the City.

“Folks who live in the city can get a free smoke detector from us, and we’ll also install it. They just need to call the fire hall at 423.562.3340,” said the chief.