As State Representative Dennis Powers stood among the U.S. graves at Normandy in 2017, he said, “I thought about the sacrifice of those young soldiers who ran directly into enemy fire to help liberate countries thousands of miles from home where their families were hopefully awaiting for them to return – many never did.  Then, I remembered a quote: “The U.S. has sent many men and women to fight in foreign lands and all we ever asked for was place to bury our dead.”

By Dennis Powers

JACKSBORO, TN (SPECIAL TO WLAF) – I get cold chills every time I hear TAPS played for our fallen soldiers, and I remember my cousin who was shot out of a helicopter in Vietnam.  He gave his life for the country he loved. 

My brother served in the 101st Airborne. My dad gave 4 years, 4 months and 13 days of his life to serve during World War II and then came home and put on another uniform to serve his community.  Both of his brothers also fought in WWII.

Hugh Powers (left) returned to the states and served as the Chief of Police for La Follette in the 1960s while Bill Powers (right) came home to a career in education serving at different terms as the superintendent of schools for Campbell County.  

Their service taught our family early in life that our priorities should be God, family and country – in that order.  On behalf of all we civilians, I want to thank all veterans for their service, commitment and sacrifice.  Please know that there are many of us who continue to pray for all of our men and women in uniform, our veterans and all of their families.

After walking the beaches and visiting the graves and memorial in Normandy and the WWII and Vietnam memorials in D.C, it has even more meaning.  We will never forget.  May God bless all of our soldiers and may God continue to bless the United States of America. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 05/31/2021-6AM-PHOTOS COURTESY OF COUSINS DENNIS AND BILL POWERS-REPUBLISHED – 05/29/2023-6AM)

2 Replies to “What Memorial Day means to me”

  1. Thank you too Dennis for your service to our Community and your strong witness of faith.

    1. Thank you, Darla! It is an honor to serve our district in the TN House of Representatives.

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