2023 marked Joe Lindsay’s 49th year in business

TOP PHOTO: Joe Lindsay with his dear friend Walt Goins at the Royal Lunch & Billiards.

By Jim Freeman

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – In the early 1970s, brothers Lee and Joe Lindsay worked at the Levi Strauss plant at Knoxville.  Then the plant closed and took the Lindsays’ jobs with them.  Joe Lindsay told WLAF in 2016 that, looking back, the layoff was the best thing that ever happened to him and his late brother Lee. 

In 1974, the brothers from Pinecrest went into business together. Joe was a founding co-owner of Lindsay’s Furniture and Lindsay’s Carpet and Paint.

Joe Lindsay celebrates his birthday in this 2016 photo.

Joe loved basketball. He attended most games at Brown Gym and could be seen sitting on the front row with his wife Sue Ann. And he generally was munching on a bag of popcorn. He followed his daughter Misty, who played on the Lady Cougars state tourney team, and later his grandson Bryson, Misty’s son.

“He was a good competitor and ran a good business,” said Ron Pierce of Carl Pierce Furniture and Appliance.

“When I came back to Campbell County in 1984, Tom Leach introduced me to Lee and Joe Lindsay. Since that day, we became good friends. Joe helped Bethel Baptist Church many times. He was a supporter of our radio program. I am very sorry to hear of his passing, and I will miss greatly him. Please remember his family in prayer,” said Dr. Clarence Duncan, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church.

“I always liked Joe, and I loved his smile,” said Carrie Mefford of First National Bank.

“Joe Lindsay was a good man, and he was a good friend,” said Big Josh Etter of WLAF.

“I remember for his birthday in 2017, I brought him a cake and ice cream. Tony, Joe’s son, served hot dogs for all of us workers. He will be missed,” said Jan Jones, a longtime employee of Lindsay’s.

“God bless you, Joe. We have always been good friends. I will miss you,” said Jim Millsap.

“Joe has been a long time friend and supporter of whatever I did. He will surely be missed. Words cannot express just how much I appreciated him and his family,” said Rhonda Longmire, Market President Community Trust Bank.

Today, we say goodbye to Joe. He’ll be laid to rest this morning at 11am at the Indian Creek Cemetery. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 08/03/2023-PHOTOS COURTESY OF JAN JONES)