JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – In a unique election with no one opposed, there was a light turnout for the municipal election for the Town of Jacksboro on Saturday, the only day to vote. As a result, Greg Cross and Mark Lay will stay on as aldermen for the Town of Jacksboro while Roy Green steps in to fill an unfinished term. See the completed ballot HERE.

Cross and Lay were each elected to a full alderman term while Roy Green ran for a two-year unexpired term. Cross and Lay were appointed late last year to fill alderman vacancies left when Jerri Starrett and Brian Osborn resigned.

Because all of the candidates ran unopposed, the Town of Jacksboro did not hold early voting. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/03/2023-6AM)

One Reply to “Cross, Green, Lay to serve as Jacksboro Aldermen”

  1. If the town of Jacksboro would do there election the same time as the county elections, they would have more people to vote and more people to run for offices. Most people in Jacksboro has no ideal when the election is.

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