TOP PHOTO: It was a packed house for Monday’s meeting of the Caryville Mayor and Board of Aldermen.

CARYVILLE, TN (WLAF) – Monday evening at the monthly meeting of the Caryville Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Brandon Johnson, chairman of the Caryville Cares Playground Committee was on the agenda to share news the playground was fully funded. However, he was unable to celebrate the news with the board due to high public presence and controversial topic at hand.

Many community members packed the meeting room to express their dislike of the potential of making School Street a one way street. School Street, the name of the street according to central dispatch, runs from Main Street across from Shoney’s and intersects with Church Street. School Street is the street on the west side of the Caryville Cares Playground.

After a 90 minute discussion, there were no clear answers, but Mayor Bobby Stooksbury appointed Alderman Josh Monday as a liaison between the board and Brandon Johnson to try to work out a possible solution to the issue.

Citizens spoke about other ways to solve the issue at hand instead of closing half of the street to make parking. Johnson stated several times the committee would like to have the parking issue resolved before the May 1 ribbon cutting.

After a 90 minute discussion, there were no clear answers, but Mayor Bobby Stooksbury appointed Alderman Josh Monday as a liaison between the board and Johnson to try to work out a possible solution to the issue.

The meeting adjourned in session so the board could meet again once a solution to the parking issue is found. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/11/2023-6AM)

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